Sign up for FULL Access to OCHCH Member Benefits

Use your 90 Day Trial Membership to: 

save money on education
– establish clarity of constantly changing rules and regulations
– have an opportunity to drastically reduce insurance costs for your agency and it’s employees
– save on PPE supplies that you drastically need in our OCHCH Brand Store
– save for on-demand education such as RCTC (100+ On demand CE’s)
– receive the bulletin with regulatory updates, news, and procedures
– advocate for lower regulations and higher reimbursement rates
– And much more!

When you give the Ohio Council for Home Care and Hospice a try, you will find that strength in numbers and being part of a community is something that will have an incalculable and positive influence on you, your agency, your employees and staff, as well as the people you serve. When you start your trial you will be able to take advantage of over 50 years of home care and hospice experience as well as having a stronger voice in government to defend and fight for your rights!
You get the FULL benefits of membership immediately, for 90 days.