
The Support You Need

Operating a home care or hospice agency can be challenging—from quality and billing to coding and staffing issues. To be successful, agencies need a partner. As the leading voice for health care at home in Ohio, OCHCH provides the advocacy, education, and regulatory support agencies need to meet these challenges. Becoming a member of OCHCH is a smart way to do business.

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Become a Member

OCHCH provider membership is open to businesses that provide home and community-based care. Affiliate memberships are open to businesses and organizations that provide products and services to health care at home providers.

Benefits & Services

Hundreds of agencies across Ohio already benefit from OCHCH membership. As a member, you’ll receive the support you need to ensure your agency is successful.


OCHCH encourages you to get involved! Volunteer for a committee or participate in an advocacy event.

Awards Program

Each year, OCHCH recognizes individuals and volunteers for their exemplary service in home care and hospice. Nominations are accepted throughout the year, and recipients are recognized at the Annual Conference & Tradeshow.

Provider Directory

The Provider Search is a directory of OCHCH members who provide home and community based services. The listings are in real-time and searchable by category, agency name, or geographic area.

Affiliate Directory

The Business Directory provides a listing of OCHCH Affiliate Members. These businesses provide products and services to the industry.