
Date: July 24, 2023

The Board is hard at work to restructure OCHCH to better serve the home care and hospice community. We look forward to working together with you to reimagine our organization. Please pardon our dust during this rebuilding process.

We have commenced a search for a new executive director that is the best, brightest and most suitable leader we can find — someone who understands the complex issues our members face. It is our expectation that our new leader will be one who clearly understands the staffing challenges, reimbursement issues and overall operational dynamics relative to home- and community-based services.

As the health care continuum evolves, home health care will continue to be more prominent and we expect to have an important seat at the table with decision makers. At the same time, we face significant challenges related to regulatory burdens, creativity around care delivery, workforce shortages and reimbursement shortfalls.

During this rebuilding period, we are also evaluating systems and communications to determine how to ensure we are efficiently and effectively communicating with you. We will be sending out a short survey in the near future so please keep an eye out for it.

If you don’t have it on your calendars, members are reminded to join us for our September 26 & 27 annual conference. We hope to see you there. Details for attendees and exhibitors can be found here.

Please feel free to reach out to me anytime at BoardChair@OCHCH.org.

Thank you in advance for embracing our change and coming along with us. This to us is about growth, reframing how we see ourselves, especially as the world keeps changing. We welcome your ideas in our evolution over the next five to 10 years to be a major player in Ohio’s post- acute care delivery.

Please pardon our dust as we transition to our brighter future.

Thank you,

Lisa Von Lehmden
Chairwoman of the Board